Monday, December 26, 2011

How To Modify Exe Files

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Learn how to change *.exe files, in 5 easy steps:

1) Don't try to modify a prog by editing his source in a dissasembler.Why?
Cause that's for programmers and assembly experts only.

try to view it in hex you'll only get tons of crap you don't understand.
First off, you need Resource Hacker(last version). It's a resource editor-
very easy to use, You can download it at h**p://

2) Unzip the archive, and run ResHacker.exe. You can check out the help file too.

Monday, December 12, 2011


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Denial of service is about without permission knocking off services, for example through crashing the whole  system. This kind of attacks are easy to launch and it is hard to protect a system against them. The basic  problem is that Unix assumes that users on the system or on other systems will be well behaved.

Sometimes could a denial of service attack be a part of an attack to gain access at a system. At the moment  I can think of these reasons and specific holes:

1. Some older X-lock versions could be crashed with a method from the denial of service family leaving the  system open. Physical access was needed to use the work space after.

2. Syn flooding could be a part of a IP-spoof attack method.

3. Some program systems could have holes under the startup, that could be used to gain root, for example  SSH (secure shell).

4. Under an attack it could be usable to crash other machines in the network or to deny certain persons the  ability to access the system.

5. Also could a system being booted sometimes be subverted, especially rarp-boots. If we know which port  the machine listen to (69 could be a good guess) under the boot we can send false packets to it and  almost totally control the boot.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Little Help For Anonymous Mailer

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Little help for anonymous mailer

An anonymous remailer is a computer which has been configured to run remailer software. This software is a specialized kind of email server software. Unlike average email server which goes to great lengths to log all incoming/outgoing traffic and add identifying and traceable info to its outgoing mail (in the form of headers) remailer software ensures that outgoing mail has been STRIPPED CLEAN of any identifying information! Thus the name 'anonymous' remailer.

The remailer performs certain automated tasks which include retrieving mail, decrypting/processing that mail (only mail that is properly encrypted and formatted), obeying the directives within the message and, finally, delivering - remailing - the finished product to a second party in anonymized form. When received by that second party it will reveal only that it was sent from an anonymous source (usually the remailer's name and email address). The IP address shown will be the IP address of the remailer machine.
Using a chain of remailers you can send messages totally anonymous, but you can receive too with a nym, download web pages, send files in FTP, talk in newsgroups, etc...

There are, more or less, four types of remailers:

- Pseudonymous remailers

A Pseudonymous remailer, simply takes away the email address of the sender, gives a pseudonym to the sender and sends the message to the intended recipient (that can be answered via that remailer).

- Cypherpunk remailers, also called type I

A Cypherpunk remailer sends the message to the recipient stripping away the sender address on it. You can not answer a message sent via a Cypherpunk remailer. You can usually encrypt the message sent to the remailer, and the remailer will decrypt it and send it to the recipient address hidden inside the encrypted message. In addition, you can chain 2 or 3 remailers, so each remailer can’t know who is sending a message to whom. Cypherpunk remailers do not keep logs of transactions.

- Mixmaster remailers, also called type II

Mixmaster remailers require use of a program on your computer to write your messages. Such programs are not supplied as a standard part of most operating systems or mail management systems.

- Mixminion remailers, also called type III

A Mixminion remailer attempts to address the following challenges in Mixmaster remailers: replies, forward anonymity, replay prevention and key rotation, exit policies, integrated directory servers, dummy traffic. They have been implemented for the Linux and Windows platforms and are currently available. Some implementations are open source.

Keyboard Shortcuts For Microsoft Word

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Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Microsoft Word

CTRL and A Selects all in the current document.

CTRL and B Bold text.

CTRL and C Copies the item or text to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.

CTRL and D Displays the Font dialogue box.

CTRL and E Centre Alignment.

CTRL and F Displays the Find dialog box, to search the current document.

CTRL and G Displays the Go to dialog box, to go to a specific location in the current document.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Services You Can Disable

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Services You Can Disable

There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.
This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources.
They are only suggestions so I suggestion you read the description of each one when you run Services
and that you turn them off one at a time.

Some possibilities are:

Application Management
Fast UserSwitching
Human Interface Devices
Indexing Service
Net Logon
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Remote Registry
Routing & Remote Access
SSDP Discovery Service
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Web Client

Misspellings Or Misrepresentation Tactics

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List Of Sites Not To Go To

Misspellings or misrepresentation Tactics

Keep Your Files Private

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Keep Files Private


If you want to encrypt the contents of an individual file or directory, Windows XP Pro will do the trick, provided you enable NTFS on your hard drive. To encrypt a file, right-click on it to bring up the Properties window. Click on the Advanced button, then in the Advanced Attributes dialog box click on Encrypt contents to secure data. This will encrypt the file (using either DES, which employs a 56-bit key on each 64-bit block of data, or 3DES, which uses a 56-bit key three times on each 64-bit block of data), and it will provide a certificate just for you. This certificate is key; if you reinstall Windows or otherwise lose your user account, your access to the encrypted files will be gone, too. You need to export your certificates to back them up: For detailed instructions, search on export certificate in Windows Help.

Windows XP does not require you to enter your password when you open the encrypted file. Once you log on to a session, encrypted files are available for you—and anyone who walks up to your system—to view.

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