Saturday, September 4, 2010

New gadgets for Windows XP 2010 Edi.

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Year : 2010 
Developer: Microsoft 
Platform: Windows XP SP3 
Language: Russian 
Medicine: not required 
Size: 20.68 Mb 

Description: program through which it is possible to implement the XP sidebar desktop like Windows 7/Vista using gadgets. New gadgets for Windows XP are miniature application showing information such as CPU and memory, clock, currency converter and weather widgets, RSS feeds, news, Notepad, calculator and more ... In the program include a minimum number of the most popular gadgets for every day. Additionally, you can freely download and install any gadget you want. Note: Requires the .NET Framework, preferably version 2.0 or higher. DirectX. After installing the program requires a restart of the system.

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